Pilates videos for beginners are a great place to start if you’re not confident enough to join a local Pilates class, get a trainer, or have a schedule too erratic to actually commit to one?

Hint: the answer is NOT ‘give up’.

Don’t put your health and fitness in the backseat for seemingly unavoidable reasons, a.k.a. excuses. Don’t wait for a time when you’re more confident or free because it may never happen!

A good alternative to attending a Pilates class, would be to turn to pilates videos for beginners or online pilates lessons – this way, you can practice in private wherever and whenever it’s convenient for you.

There are plenty of Pilates videos for beginners in stores and online for you to choose from. To help you get started, we’ve put together three top Pilates Videos for beginners that will help you learn the basics of Pilates.

Pilates for Beginners – Beginner Pilates Mat Exercises

Led by: Jessica Valant of PILATES HAPPY HOUR

Duration: 26 minutes and 38 seconds

Props needed: Mat

Positions and moves covered: Table Top, Leg Circles, Pelvic Tilt, Bridge, Crunch, Roll-Up, Mermaid Stretch, Forward Fold,

Physical Therapist and Pilates Instructor Jessica Valant created the Pilates for Beginners video not only for beginners, but also for those who have done it before but are just getting back into the game. She also loves Pilates for Beginners for people who have been habitual in their practice but need to get back on track with the foundations. According to Valant, “If you don’t get the basics first, you’re just not gonna get the best workout you possibly could.”

The video may seem slow-paced at first, but it would be a mistake to dismiss it – Valant introduces each of the movements and effectively explains how to do it and how it benefits you in detail. Being a therapist, she also takes into consideration various physical conditions and limitations, and provides various options for modifications.

Body Slimming Workout | POP Pilates for Beginners

Led by: Cassey Ho of BLOGILATES

Duration: 17 minutes and 17 seconds

Props needed: Mat

Positions and moves covered: The Roll-Up, Pilates Stance, Single Leg Stretch, Table Top Position, The Hundred, Bridge Pulse, Double Leg Lift, Half Cobra Push-Up, Parachuter, Child’s Pose,

POP Pilates is a fun, fast-paced total-body defining workout created by American Pilates and Fitness instructor, Cassey Ho. In this version of POP Pilates video, Ho goes back to the basics for beginners. It is also intended as a refresher course for those who have been doing Pilates for a while. Throughout the video, Ho not only shows how to do the movements but also explains the proper form and techniques for each one – all with infectious energy and a big smile on her face!

“If you’re able to do the movements with proper form, you’ll actually get a better workout, even if the movement is easier.” Says Ho, mostly to anyone concerned that the workout will be ‘too easy’ because it’s targeted for beginners.

Speaking of target, the movements are meant to target every muscle group in the body without the use of any equipment except a mat. After the workout, Ho offers the Blogilates Beginner’s Calendar to help you go through some of her easier Pilates Videos one by one. Over time, you’ll be able to build your core and strength and move on to her more advanced Pilates videos.

Pilates Workout for Beginners

Led by: Rebecca-Louise of XHIT Daily

Duration: 16 minutes and 0 seconds

Props needed: Mat

Positions and moves covered: Leg Drop with Pulses, Roll-Up, Leg Lift & Split, Side Plank Drops, Sit-Up with Leg Elevated, Slow One Leg Bridge Raise, Inner Thigh Lifts, Kneeling Leg Lifts, Child’s Pose, Cobra, Playboy,

The Pilates Workout for Beginners video by XHIT Daily is suited more for beginners who have already tried Pilates a couple of times. Led by Fitness Professional and Wellness Coach and Trainer Rebecca-Louise, the workout runs faster and more consistent in terms of timing compared to the other two videos. Each move only lasts about 30 seconds long, and primarily works the abs and the legs. The video is a good reference for those who have already experienced doing Pilates in the proper form and would like to amp up the intensity a notch or two.

These three Pilates videos vary in level of intensity, but are all appropriate for beginners. Remember, the goal is not to finish as many Pilates moves as you can, but do them as properly and effectively as you can!

If you’re still unsure about your form, or it feels like you’re not getting much of a workout, you might want a consultation and session with a real, live trainer.

Try one of our Pilates Classes Near You!